It's Not Goodbye, It's I'll See You Later!

 April Service hours: 12 Total Spring Semester: 16

With the semester coming to a close, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on how far I've come throughout this year. This program has changed me in many positive ways. I used to struggle trusting my abilities and would often doubt myself while taking tests or speaking out in class; however this program has built up my confidence when approaching challenging questions, my presentations skills, and helped with some testing anxiety. Something that I will be taking away from this program are all the lifelong friendships I've forged throughout this year. Even while being socially distanced, this group has formed a bond that only so many get to experience. As Dr. McLachlan would say, "We are a part of only 8% people in the U.S that has a masters degree." 

One of the best things about attending Tulane is the love you feel they have for the community. It's not just about grades, it's about making a difference in your everyday surroundings. Whether it's planting a garden/tree, serving the local seniors lunch, or reading to children at school, I've seen my classmates partake in many volunteering opportunities that has left a footprint on the community as well as the types of physicians we strive to be. 

This month for service I spent a lot of time with Second Harvest Food Bank. Second Harvest Food Bank supplies food items to those in need on a weekly basis as well as provides hot lunches to seniors and children who are unable to eat meals at home. During the pandemic, meals were prepared for 8,000 people. Now that people are returning back to work, the numbers have decreased to just 1,400 which is still a lot. I was able to work with in the kitchen and prepare lunch along with some of the National Guard.

Another volunteer opportunity I had with Second Harvest Food Bank was packing food boxes at the Broadmoor food pantry. Those boxes were filled with rice, beans, meat, fruits, and vegetables. Anyone that was signed up through their website was able to come collect their box of goodies as well as get your blood pressure checked by a local physician.  Some of the items that were given away to the community have been donated by local farmers as well as some community members.

My final stop for the month was returning to Crescent City Farmers. This month I worked with Sprout Nola. Sprout Nola is such an awesome non profit. Their mission is to support established and developing farmers with the opportunity and outlet to be a part of the community food system. The farmers are able to bring their produce to Sprout Nola and in turn, Sprout Nola will sell everything for them.  

This month I particularly enjoyed every volunteering opportunity. It shows me that I'm making a difference in my community as well as there are good caring people out there. I'm grateful for the experiences and I will continue to lend a hand for those who are making a difference throughout the world. 


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